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Shark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and Excellence
(+91) 98930-98803
Shark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and Excellence


Achieve Excellence with Global Standard Certifications

At Shark Certification, we offer a comprehensive suite of certification services designed to help businesses meet international standards and achieve operational excellence. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and compliance ensures that your organization is equipped to thrive in a competitive global market. With our expert guidance and industry-specific solutions, we help streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and build trust with stakeholders. Partner with us to achieve certifications that not only meet global benchmarks but also drive long-term success.

Our Certification Services

Quality Management Systems (QMS)

Achieve consistency and excellence in delivering high-quality products and services with our Quality Management System certifications. These certifications include ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949, ISO 29990:2010, and ISO 29000, which help businesses streamline operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and establish credibility in the global market.

Information Technology & IT Enabled Services

Strengthen information security and enhance IT service management with our IT certifications. We provide ISO 27001 ISMS, ISO 20000 ITMS, and CMMI (I to V), equipping organizations with the tools to protect data, improve efficiency, and comply with international IT standards. These certifications also help build customer trust and reliable IT services.

Food Safety Standards

Ensure the safety, quality, and compliance of your food products with our Food Safety Standard certifications. Offering FSMS 22000, FSSC 22000, BRC Food & LOP, HACCP, and GMP & GMP+, these certifications help businesses meet global food safety standards and build consumer trust.

Medical and Pharmaceutical Standards

Ensure compliance with stringent medical and pharmaceutical regulations through our specialized certifications. Our services include N.A.B.L, N.A.B.H, USFDA, ISO 13485, Ayush Mark, and Clinical GMP, enabling businesses to meet industry requirements and enhance patient safety.

Feed Safety Programs

Ensure the safety, quality, and compliance of your food products with our Food Safety Standard certifications. Offering FSMS 22000, FSSC 22000, BRC Food & LOP, HACCP, and GMP & GMP+, these certifications help businesses meet global food safety standards and build consumer trust.

Product Certification

Expand market access and ensure product safety with our Product Certification services. We provide certifications such as CE Marking, ROHS, UL Marking, and BIS (ISI) Mark, helping businesses demonstrate product quality and regulatory compliance.

Social Accountability & Sustainability

Promote ethical business practices and sustainability with our Social Accountability certifications. Our offerings include Sedex (2 & 4 Pillar), Fair Trade, FSC, Green Building, SA 8000, RTRS, and various Organic Standards such as GOTS, NPOP, NOP, and EU Organic, supporting organizations in making a positive social and environmental impact.

Environmental and Energy Management Systems

Showcase your commitment to environmental responsibility and energy efficiency with our Environmental and Energy Management certifications. Covering ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, and ISO 50001 ENMS, these certifications empower organizations to reduce their environmental footprint while optimizing resource management.

Why Choose Shark Certification?

Our team of experienced professionals ensures a smooth certification process, helping your business meet all necessary requirements efficiently.

Certifications from Shark Certification are recognized worldwide, giving your business the credibility and competitive edge needed to succeed globally.

We provide ongoing support to help your business maintain certification standards, ensuring continuous improvement and compliance.

Join the ranks of our successful clients who have achieved certification and seen significant business growth. Read our case studies to learn more about how we’ve helped organizations like yours.

Take the first step towards certification with Shark Certification. Contact us for a consultation and discover how we can help your business achieve global standards.

Other Services


At Shark Certification, we understand that maintaining compliance and certification standards is an ongoing process.


We at Shark Certification are having a separate team of approved Auditors for various purposes. Auditing is the on-site


At Shark Certification, we believe that knowledge is the cornerstone of excellence. Our comprehensive training

Business Excellence

Shark Certification is dedicated to helping organizations unlock their full potential through our Business


At Shark Certification, we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier consultancy services designed to guide businesses

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