World Leading Consultancy & Training Company
Shark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and Excellence
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Shark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and Excellence

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We believe in “Delivering what we Commit”. Our strength lies in our team which ensures that we are able to take personal interest in each & every requirement of customers.

We want them to be satisfied with the services we deliver them & love to get the feedback from them.

In a short time span, our infrastructure has become dynamic & sound, led by senior professionals & industry experts, who are prepared & eager to take new challenges every time. We are a strong team of qualified standards auditors covering quality, health & safety, environmental, and information / data security standards. The in-depth experience of our progressive staff and our innovative approach to ISO training, Business process improvement, management system implementations and organizational development is reflected in our board array services.


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Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)
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