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Shark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and Excellence
(+91) 98930-98803
Shark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and ExcellenceShark Certification – Your Partner in Global Compliance and Excellence

Food Safety Standards


HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a globally recognized system used to identify, evaluate, and control food safety hazards. This certification ensures that organizations in the food industry, including manufacturers, processors, and suppliers, implement robust food safety management practices. HACCP is based on seven principles that focus on…
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FSSC 22000

FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification) is an internationally recognized certification that ensures an organization’s food safety management system complies with the highest global standards. It integrates ISO 22000 (food safety management system) with additional sector-specific prerequisites (PRPs), establishing a comprehensive system to manage food safety hazards in the supply…
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BRC Food & LOP

BRC Food & LOP Certification is an international standard developed by the British Retail Consortium (BRC) to help organizations in the food industry maintain and demonstrate their commitment to food safety, quality, and integrity. This certification is recognized globally by retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers as a benchmark for food safety…
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FSMS 22000

FSMS 22000 (Food Safety Management System) is an internationally recognized standard for food safety. It provides a framework for businesses in the food industry to establish and maintain effective food safety management systems. The standard is designed to help organizations ensure that food products are safe for consumption, from production…
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