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I.T. & I.T.E.S. Standards

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CMMI (I to V)

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a globally recognized framework designed to improve organizational performance. It assesses process maturity across five levels, ranging from basic capabilities (Level I) to optimized processes (Level V). By achieving CMMI certification, organizations demonstrate their ability to deliver high-quality products and services consistently. Shark Certification…
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ISO 20000 ITMS

ISO 20000 ITMS (IT Service Management System) is the first international standard for IT service management, providing a framework for organizations to manage and deliver high-quality IT services effectively. This certification ensures that IT services align with business needs, optimize resources, and improve customer satisfaction. Shark Certification helps businesses implement…
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ISO 27001 ISMS

ISO 27001 ISMS (Information Security Management System) is an internationally recognized standard designed to manage and protect information assets. It outlines a systematic approach to securing sensitive data, including people, processes, and IT systems, by applying risk management processes. By achieving ISO 27001 certification, organizations demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding…
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